

Competitive Minecraft Made Easy!

So you want to use AutoReferee, but not sure how to set it up? For most servers, you shouldn't need anything more than plug-and-play. That means that once you download the plugin and install it into your plugins/ directory, you are ready to go! This tutorial will explain basic setup, configuration, and maintenance to make sure that AutoReferee is running as best as possible. This tutorial assumes that you understand how to install plugins and how to manage permissions.

First, ensure that you are using the latest version of CraftBukkit, as well as the latest version of AutoReferee. After downloading AutoReferee and installing it into your plugins/ directory, start up your Bukkit server to allow AutoReferee to generate the default configuration file at /plugins/AutoReferee/config.yml. The default values for this file will be suitable in most cases, but a guide to this configuration file will be available at the end of this tutorial.

You should now be ready to test if the plugin is working as intended by trying to load a map from the ARMoRy. Log in to your server (with op) and type /autoref load Direct Fire. Within a few seconds, the map should be downloaded and the world should load, bringing you into it. Take a moment to get a feel for some of the commands and ensure that you are familiar with how the plugin works.

To find what maps are available for download, use the command /autoref maplist. Maps that appear greyed-out are available for download (they will be downloaded on request); maps that appear in white are already installed and available. You can use the mapdev tools included with AutoReferee to configure your own maps as well. As more mapmakers continue to support AutoReferee's toolchain, maps will be distributed with their own configuration files built-in, allowing server admins to download maps from the map authors directly.

Maps that do not have a autoreferee.xml file included in the world folder will not be managed by AutoReferee, which should allow AutoReferee to run on a Multiverse server without conflicting with survival or creative worlds. AutoReferee will automatically keep any installed maps up-to-date (unless you turn this feature off in the configuration).

If you want to do more with AutoReferee, allowing players to spectate matches or stream, we need to go a step further. The following permission nodes translate to some basic roles you can assign to players (special privileges are stripped from players if they join a team, to prevent abuse):

autoreferee.player Access to basic team and match features. Default: everyone
autoreferee.referee Referees for any AutoReferee match world. Privileges are removed if player is on a team.
autoreferee.streamer Streamers for any AutoReferee match world. Makes chat a bit less noisy, cleaner stream.
autoreferee.configure Mapdev commands and features. Allows maps to be configured and saved locally.
autoreferee.admin Players with access to all AutoReferee features. Default: op

Once the plugin is configured, you may choose to design a lobby for AutoReferee. This world will allow players to load AutoReferee matches without needing the autoreferee.admin permission node required by /autoref load. While in-game, in this world, use the command /autoref setlobby to designate the current world as the AutoReferee lobby. Now you should be able to add signs for each map, with [AutoReferee] on the first line, and the name of the map on the remaining lines (if the last line is left blank, it will be automatically updated with the version number of the map every time it is loaded).

The following serves as a reference for each entry in /plugins/AutoReferee/config.yml. If you are not sure what something does, the default value is probably suitable

config-version: 2 Configuration version. Do not change this!
console-log: true Sends AutoReferee information to the server log.
auto-update: true Keep local maps update. Checks the ARMoRy on server start.
allow-ties: false Allow matches to end in ties.
time-limit: 0 Number of minutes to limit matches, by default. Set to 0 to disable.
delay-seconds.ready: 15 Number of seconds after teams /ready to begin match.
delay-seconds.completed: 180 Number of seconds after match to unload world. Directory path (relative to server root) to save match reports. Tools for in-game configuration. Item ids or item names allowed. autoref-lobby Name of lobby world. Set automatically with /autoref setlobby
lobby.mode: manual Lobby mode: manual, auto, or rotation